Uli Kaufmann Snacks
6:00 PM
6:00 PM
- Uli Kaufmann
Winter ist grau, Curry ist scharf. Uli Kaufmann hat gekocht. Am 14.02.2025 präsentiert er sein neues Magazin. Lustig wie direkt erzählt das Heft in Triptychen fiktive Geschichten. Mit einer Installation stellt sich die Pop-Up Veranstaltung einen Abend lang gegen den Berliner Winter und gibt etwas Leichtigkeit zurück.
AFF Galerie e.V.
Kochhannstraße 14
10249 Berlin
opening hours
During the exhibition
Fri & Sat 12 noon – 8 pm
Sun 12 noon – 6 pm
& for the events
M5, M6, M8, M10
Landsberger Allee / Petersburger Straße
S41, S42, S8, S85, S9
Landsberger Allee
Frankfurter Tor

AFF Galerie is a non-profit photography gallery located in Friedrichshain, Berlin. Run by a collective of photographers from varied backgrounds, it is a platform for contemporary photography that showcases the work of emerging, upcoming and established artists.
The gallery provides a space for networking and helps to promote the projects of national and international photographers.
Due to the non-commercial mission of the gallery, AFF Galerie is independent in the selection and curation of its shows. The exhibitions are put together by the collective's members with the support of well-known curators.

Julia Autz
Julia Brigasky
Philipp Czampiel
Sven Gatter
Florian Grosse
Dana Rabea Jäger
Maidje Meergans
Natascha Pohlmann
Saskia Reis
Indra Schwarz
Sarah Straßmann
Franca Wohlt
Franca Wohlt
media partner
Photography in berlin